The Push-Up Challenge

104.5 Fresh Radio and the Canadian Mental Health Association: Champlain East want you get fit, have fun and learn about mental health with…

The Push Up Challenge!!

From February 1st-23rd grab your friends, family, partner or colleagues and challenge each other to complete 2,000 push-ups in support of the 20% of Canadians will experience mental illness this year.

Not a fan of push-ups? Substitute for something else…squats, crunches, anything goes! Just get moving.

 It’s free to sign up and with every push you can help save lives.


Get connected and track your push-ups

Want to track your progress? Download the App
See your daily targets
Bank push-ups
See how your team are going
Learn about mental health
Get fundraising tips
Start push-up prep

Register, Share, and Participate